Groove Llama's
Unofficial Site of:
out the official
website for this film
(use the Flash version, it
takes longer but it is well worth it)
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Pacha, the kind leader of a mountain
village, is summoned by his emperor...
Pacha is ready to serve his emperor...
This is until he learns Kuzco plans to build Kuzcotopia, the
emperor's summer home, right over Pacha's village...
Pacha is devastated by the news, Kuzco could
Meanwhile, Yzma lets out some of her angry with
Kronk's help...
Yzma has a plan on how to get rid of Kuzco...
Yzma and Kronk rush to her secret lab, well
after Kronk pulls the correct lever...
Yzma invites Kuzco to dinner to show him
there are no hard feelings...
Kuzco takes his chair for a spin...
Kronk poisons Kuzco's drink...
Yzma purposes a toast...
Kuzco drinks up...
And transforms into...
Yzma doesn't know where she went wrong....
Kronk puts Kuzco's lights out before he can
discover what happened...
As it turns out Kronk mixed up the vials of
poison and instead gave Kuzco extract of llama...
Yzma and Kronk try to decided what to do with
the unconscious Kuzco...
Kronk is sent out on his evil task: Dispose of
Kuzco's body while humming his theme song...
Things don't turn out exactly as planned...
Kuzco ends on Pacha's cart as he heads back
to his village that soon will be destroyed...
It's a long way from the Palace to Pacha's
A very long way...
Finally, Pacha makes it home...