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(If you haven't seen the movie continuing could ruin it for you)

The Emperor's New Groove Frequently Llamaed Questions

 By GrooveLlama

If I need to add anything please e-mail me at

What is The Emperor’s New Groove Action Game?
How do you get out of the room with the ton of circle pads in Jungle Day Chapter Three?
How do you beat all the blockhead kids and papa blockhead in Catacombs Chapter Two?
How do you outrun the jaguars in Jungle Night Chapter Three?

Are there any walk throughs available for the entire game?
Where do I go if I have technical difficulties with the game?

What is The Emperor’s New Groove Action Game?

Were you one of those kids in school that never read their books and always asked their friends the answers to questions? Me too! This is software based on the great, fantastic and wonderful movie from Disney called The Emperor’s New Groove. With the software you play me, the Llama, as you try and change back to a human. There are 30, yes count them, 30 different levels. You just don’t play a llama either, in the course of the game you are also a frog, a turtle and a rabbit. You also have to outwit and out fight a host of evil animals like giant spiders, killer jaguars and that biggest and most hideous animal of all: Yzma! You have a host of weapons. Karate kicks, tumbling rolls and the ever-amazing llama spit. It’s a blast!

How do you get out of the room with the ton of circle pads in Jungle Day Chapter Three?
As you must have figured out by now (unless you are Yzma) pads with green circles are good and pads with red X’s are bad. You should have also noticed your charge bar has been replaced by a jump bar. If you jump and jump again before it goes down you will jump further and if you jump one more time quickly you will jump even further. This is the key to this room. Start on the patch of grass before the first pad with a circle. Now jump to the pad and pause, wait for the jump bar to go down. When it does jump to the next pad, wait for the bar to go down again. Now jump to the next pad and quickly jump to the next before the bar will goes down, if you did it right you just jumped over the pad with a X on it. Now wait for the bar to go all the way down and then jump to the next pad, quickly jump to the next pad (before the bar goes down) Quickly jump to the last, if you do it before the bar goes down you should land on the last pad. The door near here will open and you will be able to proceed.

How do you beat all the blockhead kids and papa blockhead in Catacombs Chapter Two?
You’ll first have to deal with the three blockhead brats. When they are rolling quickly stay away, this is attack mode and you will get hurt if they touch you. If they are rolling slowly quickly llama charge them, if you charge it into their sides it will knock the blockhead off the board and it will be eliminated. It will leave a coin behind so be sure to collect it. If you need more charge power there are llama potions on each corner of the board. Once you get rid of all three you win! That is, a chance to face off with big papa blockhead! He will rant a rave and start throwing bombs at you. If it is red then dodge it, if it touches you will get hurt. If it is green then tumble over it, these can’t turn you but can harm papa blockhead. Rolling over them allows you to toss them back at the blockhead and they will explode, be sure to angle your shots so they will hit him. It is best to stay in one place and dodge the red ones and hit the green ones head on. After you hit papa blockhead three times he will split the scene. He will leave a red Kuzco idol and four coins, be sure to pick these up before you proceed.

How do you outrun the jaguars in Jungle Night Chapter Three?
Did you find the rocket powered roller skates? No wonder you are having troubles! Well, there is an alternative. As you may have noticed the game controls have been all turned around. Up is left and down is right plus you have to tap the buttons on your controller/keyboard to move. Each tap is a hoof step, the faster you tap the faster you go. On straightaways tap like mad to build a gap between you and the jags, you don’t have to worry about steering here. When you need to turn tap with one hand and steer with the other. The jags will close the gap here but you should have enough time to make the corner and start tapping with both hands again. If you start to tire hit the pause button and take a rest. The nice thing about this level is you don’t get hurt if the jags get you or if you fall off a cliff, you just get thrown back to the start but keep the loot you’ve collected. If you miss a coin or wampy the only way to get it is to jump off a cliff or let the jags get you, then you can try again. There is no reverse. If you are playing on a game console I found the best way to do it is holding the controller between your legs (seriously), that way you don’t have to worry about it sliding around. This frees your hands so you can tap fast, alternate your taps. If you are playing on a PC put the keyboard between your legs (kidding) Assign the control keys (like the jump and kick keys) next to each other, refer to the game manual on how to do this. This way you can just alternate you first and index fingers back and forth over the keys with one hand and steer with the other. This chapter takes a lot of practice because of all the tapping and steering (you have a side view of Kuzco instead of behind him) so don’t be disheartened.

Are there any walk throughs available for the entire game?
Is Yzma scarier beyond all reason? Of course there are, I made them myself… Well, my scribe did. You can find them at

Where do I go if I have technical difficulties with the game?
Hey, I’m a llama not a techie (live long and prosper) Go to the Disney Interactive (makers of the game) wesbite. Last I heard it was Tell them the llama sent you.