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(If you haven't seen the movie continuing could ruin it for you)

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David Spade plays Kuzco, the egotistical emperor that is turned into a llama. The spoiled brat in the movie. This demonstrates pure genius behind the film. Out of all the animals in the world why a llama? It is so original and off beat. I love it! I like how Kuzco can be both brave and a coward (like the waterfall scene) at different times, very refreshing. Looking at the character I can't imagine anyone else playing it other than David. He is perfect as Kuzco. David is best known on NBC's "Just Shoot Me" and "Saturday Night Live." Be sure to check out the Official David Spade site.

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John Goodman plays Pacha, the kindly and caring chieftain of a small mountain village. Though Kuzco threatens his home and village he helps him because he knows it is the right thing to do. Putting friendship before his personal needs. John plays the roll perfectly. He is best known for his roles on "The Flintstones" and "Arachnophobia." Be sure to check out the Fans of John Goodman site.

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Eartha Kitt plays Yzma, the power hungry advisor that has vowed to kill Kuzco after he fires her. Eartha carries the role well, mixing both humor and down right horror at times. She is best known for roles on the original Batman series. Be sure to check out the Official Eartha Kitt site.

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Patrick Warburton plays Kronk, the slow but lovable henchmen. Though he has a couple of surprises up his sleeve. Patrick is most convincing and enjoyable as the comic relief throughout the film. He is best known for his roles on Seinfeld.

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Wendie Malick plays Chicha, Pacha's loving and expecting wife. I like the touch of how she is pregnant. When was the last time you say that in a animated film? Though she is with child she is far from helpless as she helps save the day. Wendie plays a nice balance between mother and independent woman. She is best known for her role on "Just Shoot Me."

Kellyann Kelso plays Chaca, Pacha's and Chica's rambunctious daughter while Eli Russell Linnetz plays Tipo, their timid son. Both actors nail the roles down, they act exactly like kids. They don't end up saving the world but they do play a curial part in the film. Like I said, they are just like kids.

Tom Jones plays The Theme Song Guy, the one who sing Kuzco's song at the beginning and end of the film. Be sure to check out the Official Tom Jones site.

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Mark Dindal is the director of the movie. Mark had his hands in other Disney features like "The Little Mermaid" and "Aladdin." He provided the direction but allowed his staff to make the film come alive. As he said "I have long observed how happy people are when they get clear direction, but not to the point that someone tells them exactly what to do.  I believe in giving the animators and department heads clarity but not have them become extensions of my wrist. We had a great team on this film and animation time was always fun to me because it was interesting to see what they were going to do to bring it to life." All this is reflected in the finale film.

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Randy Fullmer is the Producer of the film. He has help with such productions as "The Lion King" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Randy too gave the crew some flexibility as he has said "I compare the crew to horses at a starting gate – rested, waiting, and anxious to get started. From the beginning, they got what Mark was going for and had similar sensibilities about where the film was going. Everyone had a clear sense of the parameters we were working within and they hit their stride to come up with the best decisions artistically." The intensity can be seen in the film as well.

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Music star Sting provides the songs that appear in the film (and some that did not)

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David Hartley helped with music supervision and played in some of the songs.

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John Debney did the musical score for the film. He is best known for his work on "Inspector Gadget" and "Liar, Liar." Be sure to check out the Official John Debney site.